ISSN: 2375-3935
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition  
Manuscript Information
Effects of Different Mixing Ratios of Substrates Composed from Wheat Straw, Waste Paper and Cotton Seed Waste on Some Nutritional Contents of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
Vol.7 , No. 1, Publication Date: Aug. 5, 2020, Page: 1-7
2679 Views Since August 5, 2020, 711 Downloads Since Aug. 5, 2020

Abera Getachew, Department of Horticulture, Wollega University, Nekemt, Ethiopia.


Asefa Keneni, Department of Biology, Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia.


Mosisa Chewaka, Department of Horticulture, Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia.


Oyster mushroom is the widely cultivated mushrooms in the world, due to its functional foods is serving as nutritionally balanced and medicinally use full in today’s communities where a number of old age related and degenerative diseases are recurrent. The aim of this paper is to evaluate some nutritional contents of oyster mushroom which was grown on different mixing levels of wheat straws with cotton seed wastes and wheat straw, waste paper and cotton seed waste. The quality data’s such as moisture, protein, ash, fate, fiber and carbohydrate contents were determined. The means of moisture, ash, fiber, protein, and carbohydrate contents of oyster mushrooms produced under different mixing levels of wheat straws and cotton seed wastes were significant within the treatments whereas, the lipid content was non-significant. The highest moisture (85%) content was from T4, for ash content (8.98%) form T10, for crude fiber (14.64%) content from T10, for protein content (35.44 and 35.64%) from T1 and T9 respectively, for carbohydrate content (48.65 and 48.82%) from T1 and T2 respectively. For wheat straws, waste paper and cotton seed waste, the means of ash, crude fiber, lipid and carbohydrate contents were significantly within the treatments; while, the means of protein contents had highly significant differences within the treatments. Form these substrates, the highest ash content 9.17% from T5, for crude fiber content 9.59% from T5, for protein content (30.68 and 30.24%) from T3 and T4 treatments respectively while, for lipid content (3.03%) from T5 and for carbohydrate content (57.18%) from T1.


Cotton Seed Waste, Nutrient Content, Oyster Mushroom, Waste Paper, Wheat Straw


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