We value professionalism and uphold the AASCIT Code of Ethics.
Code and Ethics
As a professional body, the American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) has a duty to provide guidance to its members on standards of behaviour and ethical conduct.
The AASCIT Code of Ethics is a set of principles and guidelines for AASCIT members to establish high standards of integrity in pursuing their professional duties and upholding the honour and dignity of the profession.
It is understood that some words and phrases in a code of ethics are subject to varying interpretations, and that any ethical principle may conflict with other ethical principles in specific situations. Questions related to ethical conflicts can best be answered by thoughtful consideration of fundamental principles, rather than reliance on detailed regulations.
Fundamental Principles
AASCIT members uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of their professions by:
1. Being honest and impartial.
2. Maintaining the highest levels of integrity and keeping abreast of the knowledge of their disciplines.
3. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the science and technology profession.
4. Supporting the educational institutions, the professional societies and technical societies of their disciplines.
Fundamental Duties to Association and Public Infrastructure
1. Guard the public interest and protect the environment, safety and welfare of those affected by scientific activities and technological artifacts.
2. Accept responsibility for your actions and scientific and technological results, including being open to ethical scrutiny and assessment.
3. Proactively mitigate unsafe practice.
4. Promote the understanding, implementation, and acceptance of prudent Science and Technology measures .
Rules of Practice
1. Act legally, honorably, honestly, justly, and responsibly.
2. Respect, protect, and preserve the intellectual properties of others.
3. Honor all legal contracts and agreements.
4. Treat all constituents fairly.
5. Give prudent advice. Be truthful, objective, and maintain your professional and technical integrity.
6. Provide diligent and competent services to the best of your ability.
7. Respect the trust and the privileges granted to you.
8. Avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance thereof.