ISSN: 2375-3935
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition  
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Phenolic Extract of Basil Prevents Lipid Oxidation in Sunflower Oil, Beef and Turkey Meat: A Comparison with Synthetic Antioxidant BHA
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: May 30, 2018, Page: 66-75
1637 Views Since May 30, 2018, 1682 Downloads Since May 30, 2018

Saloua Khatib, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


Mohamed Harnafi, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


Ilham Touiss, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


Oussama Bekkouch, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


Souliman Amrani, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


Hicham Harnafi, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnologies, University Mohamed I, Oujda, Morocco.


In this study we investigated the protective effect of phenolic extract from sweet basil against oxidation in sunflower oil and meat. The phenolic extract scavenges DPPH radical with an IC50= 33.3±2.89 µg/mL which is less than that recorded by BHA (IC50= 24.17±1.44 µg/mL, P<0.01). This extract inhibits oxidative bleaching of β-carotene (IC50= 29.5±0.87 µg/mL) relatively less than BHA (IC50= 21±1 µg/mL) (P<0.001). Moreover, the extract protects sunflower oil against oxidation induced by copper (IC50 = 17.78±0.04 μg/mL). This activity is lower than that exerted by BHA (IC50= 16.53±0.14 μg/mL) (P<0.001). The extract also provides a significant prevention of sunflower oil peroxidation during storage at 37°C (-53%, P <0.001) comparing to BHA which decreases oil peroxidation by 61% (P<0.001). Against, the phenolic extract decreased the peroxidation of oil after heating at 370°C/5h by 49% (P <0.001) while the BHA acts by 57% (P<0.001). The basil phenolic extract significantly reduced malonaldehyde content in beef stored at 4°C (P<0.001) and in turkey meat (P <0.001). The extract contains 211.28±1.99 mg/g total phenol. The phytochemical characterization by HPLC showed that the extract contains four phenolic acids: caftaric acid (2.9%), chicoric acid (5.5%), caffeic (4.3%) acid and rosmarinic acid (87.3%) which represents the major compound. In conclusion, we suggest that the basil phenolic extract is a good source of natural antioxidants that might be exploited in food preservation.


Sweet Basil, Phenolic Extract, Rosmarinic Acid, Antiradical Activity, Oil Peroxidation, Meat Lipid Oxidation


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