ISSN: 2375-3935
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition  
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Evaluation of the Nutritional Composition of Some Less Common Edible Leafy Vegetables in Nigeria
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 12, 2018, Page: 26-31
831 Views Since February 12, 2018, 1462 Downloads Since Feb. 12, 2018

Adeniyi Adeyeye, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Via Ile–Ife, Nigeria.


Olufunmilayo Deborah Ayodele, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Via Ile–Ife, Nigeria.


Gentle Akinwumi Akinnuoye, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Via Ile–Ife, Nigeria.


The proximate composition and mineral contents of six less common, edible leafy vegetables in Nigeria, including Solanum nodiflorum, Launaea taraxacifolia, Senecio biafrae, Cucurbita maxima, Crassocephalum crepidioides and Solanum nigrum have been reported in this study. Analysis was carried out using standard procedures of the AOAC. The moisture contents, an indication of the freshness of the vegetables, ranged between 89.25% in C. maxima and 91.64% in S. nigrum. The samples contained low protein, fat, ash, fibre and carbohydrate contents, with values ranging as follows: protein (minimum and maximum) 3.22% in C. crepidioides and 3.78% in S. nodiflorum, fat 0.58% in C. crepidioides and 0.77% in C. maxima, ash 1.15% in C. crepidioides and 1.28% in S. nodiflorum, fibre 1.44% in S. nigrum and 1.68% in S biafrae and carbohydrate 2.25% in S. nigrum and 3.92% in C. crepidioides respectively. The metal contents had their range of values (mg/kg) as calcium 1360–5985, magnesium 220–480, iron 24.70–40.60, manganese 2.30–7.29, copper 1.70–2.85, zinc 1.20–1.52 and cobalt 0.80–0.95 respectively. Nickel was below 0.01mg/kg in all samples. The values for lead and cadmium were below detection limits. The low fat, protein and carbohydrate contents, and hence low calorific energy values of the vegetables, qualify them to be ideal for consumption by all, especially the hypertensive, diabetics and the obese. Their consumption therefore becomes appropriate for strong and healthy living.


Leafy Vegetables, Proximate Composition, Chemical Contents, Nutrient Contents, Mineral Elements


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