Vol.4 , No. 6, Publication Date: Oct. 17, 2017, Page: 80-84
[1] | Adeyeye Adeniyi, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, via Ile–Ife, Nigeria. |
[2] | Ayodele Olufunmilayo Deborah, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, via Ile–Ife, Nigeria. |
[3] | Akinnuoye Gentle Akinnuoye, Department of Chemical Sciences, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, via Ile–Ife, Nigeria. |
Analyses of proximate compositions and fatty acid profiles of the three different kolanut species consumed in Nigeria (i. e. Cola nitida, Cola acuminata and Garcinia kola) obtained from Ipetumodu via Ile-Ife, Nigeria were carried out using standard analytical methods. The results for the proximate parameters ranged as follows: 12.85–15.20, 6.45–9.65, 8.40–10.75, 5.50–6.85, 2.15–2.60 and 58.25–68.55% for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and carbohydrate contents respectively. The unsaturated fatty acids predominated over the saturated ones. The total unsaturated fatty acids ranged from 68.55% in C. nitida through 69.14% in C. acuminata to 74.26% in G. kola, while the saturated fatty acids ranged from 25.74% in G. kola through 30.86% in C. nitida to 31.45% in C. acuminata. All the three cola species were rich in essential fatty acids, these being most abundant in G. kola (45.44%), followed by C. acuminata (42.76%) and least in C. nitida (41.24%). The total unsaturated/saturated (or P/S) ratio was highest in G. kola, making it to be the most nutritionally useful of them all.
Proximate Composition, Fatty Acids Profiles, Cola Nuts, Cola Nitida, Cola Acuminata, Garcinia Kola
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