ISSN: 2375-3935
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition  
Manuscript Information
Sensory Evaluation of Toasted Bread Fortified with Banana Flour: A Preliminary Study
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
Vol.2 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 11, 2015, Page: 9-12
2070 Views Since March 11, 2015, 2898 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

Baba M. D., Department of Agricultural Extension and Management Kebbi State College of Agriculture, Zuru, Nigeria.


T. A. Manga, Department of Crop Production Technology, Kebbi State College of Agriculture, Zuru, Nigeria.


C. Daniel, Department of Home and Rural Economics, Kebbi State College of Agriculture, Zuru, Nigeria.


J. Danrangi, Department of Home and Rural Economics, Kebbi State College of Agriculture, Zuru, Nigeria.


The use of whole wheat and banana flour blends in the production of toasted breads was studied, essentially, to determine the effect of banana flour on the sensory qualities of toasted bread. The flour blends of whole wheat and banana were composites at varying inclusion levels of 10, 20 and 30% as samples B, C and D respectively, while the whole wheat flour toasted bread (sample A) served as control. The bread loaves were produced using the straight-dough procedure and were subsequently evaluated for their sensory attributes. The sensory analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the whole wheat toasted bread and the banana fortified samples in the sensory attributes of taste, aroma, appearance and texture. While significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in the overall acceptability. Our conclusion is that a substitution of up to30% banana flour into wheat flour would give the toasted bread a high acceptability.


Banana, Composite Flour, Sensory Evaluation, Toasted Bread, Wheat


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