ISSN Print: 2472-9450  ISSN Online: 2472-9469
International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science  
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Perceptual Appropriateness of Indian Women Towards Hair Colours
International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Vol.4 , No. 2, Publication Date: May 31, 2018, Page: 57-66
613 Views Since May 31, 2018, 940 Downloads Since May 31, 2018

Saraju Prasad, Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Technology & Management Studies, Bhubaneswar, India.


Cosmetics companies faced lot of challenges in the changing environment as the competition within the specific market segment is more rigorous day by day. Companies are changing their strategies more often to understand the exact customers need and preference. Recent consumer buying points are changing with the advent of technology like cosmetics are available in various retail outlets, company’s dealers and distributors, parlors and salons which indirectly affects the cosmetic brands to redesign the distribution strategy to suit best for their products. There is a great revolution in cosmetics for hair especially the hair colours. This research will give a direction to the hair colour manufacturers to know the perception Indian women towards different point of purchases for hair colours and also give knowledge about brand personality traits, look matters in preference of any cosmetic brands. The research also gives in depth knowledge about the different colours acceptability in Indian market. Theoretical frame work of the research gives a sketch about the consumer’s perception on brand preference, image, personality towards different brands of hair colours. The research helps the different hair colour companies to know the factors that has greater influence on potential or existing consumers during purchase decisions. This research highlights the important role of physical qualities, price, advertisement and promotion of hair colours to change the consumer perception. Different statistical tools used to analyse the role of gender and cultural differences influence colour perception and companies should keep in mind when localizing the colours to develop different advertising strategies to entice women.


Regression, Multi-dimensional Scaling, Perceptual Mapping, Stress Value etc


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