Vol.3 , No. 5, Publication Date: Dec. 5, 2017, Page: 47-52
[1] | Danielle Stagg, Communication Department, Houston Community College, Houston, USA. |
[2] | John R. Slate, Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA. |
In this multiyear, statewide investigation, the graduation rates of Hispanic students and White students in Texas community colleges were analyzed for the 2008-2009 through the 2014-2015 academic years. Of particular interest was whether graduation rates differed for Hispanic and White students in these academic years. Inferential statistical analyses revealed statistically significant differences in the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and the 2012-2013 academic years. The average graduation rates of Hispanic students were lower than the average graduation rates of White students. Of note, however, is that both Hispanic and White students had low graduation rates from Texas community colleges. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research were provided.
Hispanic Students, White Students, Graduation Rates, Texas Community Colleges
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