ISSN Print: 2472-9450  ISSN Online: 2472-9469
International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science  
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Differences in College-Readiness by Disability Category for Texas High School Students in Special Education: A Multiyear Statewide Analysis
International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Vol.3 , No. 5, Publication Date: Dec. 5, 2017, Page: 36-46
498 Views Since December 5, 2017, 241 Downloads Since Dec. 5, 2017

Catherine Holden, Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA.


John R. Slate, Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA.


George Moore, Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA.


Wally Barnes, Department of Educational Leadership, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA.


The extent to which differences were present in college-readiness rates in reading, mathematics, and both subjects by disability category for students who were enrolled in special education in Texas public high schools for 2008-2009 through 2010-2011 school years were determined in this investigation. Statistically significant differences were revealed in reading, mathematics, and both subjects college-readiness in each school year. No students who were Emotionally Disturbed or had a Speech or Language Impairment met the college-readiness standard in reading, mathematics, or both subjects. Of importance were extremely low college-readiness rates in reading, mathematics, and both subjects for students who were enrolled in special education for the 2008-2009 through the 2010-2011 school years.


Special Education, Learning Disabled, Other Health Impairment, Emotionally Disturbed, Speech or Language Impairment, College-Readiness


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