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Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal  
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Assessment of Several Turbulence Models Applied to Supersonic Flows in Three-Dimensions – Part IV
Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal
Vol.1 , No. 5, Publication Date: Jul. 10, 2015, Page: 344-354
1398 Views Since July 10, 2015, 842 Downloads Since Jul. 10, 2015

Edisson S. G. Maciel, Aeronautical Engineering Division (IEA), Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA) São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil.


In the present work, the Van Leer and the Liou and Steffen Jr. flux vector splitting schemes are implemented to solve the three-dimensional Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The Zhou, Davidson and Olsson, the Yoder, Georgiadids and Orkwis, and the Rumsey, Gatski, Ying and Bertelrud two-equation models are used in order to close the problem. The physical problem under study is the supersonic flow around a blunt body configuration. The results have demonstrated that the Van Leer scheme using the Yoder, Georgiadids and Orkwis turbulence model has yielded the best value of the stagnation pressure at the blunt body nose.


Zhou et al. Turbulence Model, Yoder et al. Turbulence Model, Rumsey et al. Turbulence Model, Navier-Stokes Equations, Three-Dimensions


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