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International Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing  
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Prioritization of Tourism Strategies in Turkey Using a SWOT-AHP Analysis
International Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Vol.3 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 14, 2018, Page: 34-45
1848 Views Since March 14, 2018, 1181 Downloads Since Mar. 14, 2018

Yavuz Ozdemir, Industrial Engineering Department, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Tufan Demirel, Industrial Engineering Department, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.


This paper aims to explore and analyze the internal and external factors of the tourism sector in Turkey, and define strategies according to these factors. SWOT, the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis, is a commonly used tool for analyzing internal and external environments. This paper has two purposes; first of them is to define and to prioritize the strengths, weaknesses (internal factors); opportunities, threats (external factors) and their subfactors for tourism in Turkey. The second purpose is to determine and to evaluate the tourism strategies and prioritize them. The combination of SWOT and AHP methods are used in this paper. With using a package software the main factors, subfactors and the strategies have been prioritized and sensitivity analysis have been given for SWOT groups and strategy alternatives. To the authors’ knowledge, this will be the first study for tourism strategies which uses a SWOT-AHP analysis.


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Sensitivity Analysis, Strategy, SWOT, Tourism


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