ISSN Print: 2472-9787  ISSN Online: 2472-9795
AASCIT Journal of Psychology  
Manuscript Information
Environmental Mastery and Autonomy of Parents in Childhood Cancer
AASCIT Journal of Psychology
Vol.4 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 23, 2018, Page: 24-29
2064 Views Since March 23, 2018, 473 Downloads Since Mar. 23, 2018

Amusa Taofeeq Ade, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.


Simonyan Judith Bosede, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.


Malignant childhood diagnosis is a very difficult experience for the child and for the entire family, is a constant stress on which the family needs to adapt. In this period, with many emotional burden, parents face an increase in parental responsibility and the need to have an optimal function in to cope with the new situation. This study aims to explore the ability of parents to control the environment and to be autonomous in cases of childhood cancer. The research is quantitative and descriptive. Participants were 52 subjects: parents of patients with malignant diagnoses, who received hospital or day treatment at the Service of Pediatric Onco-Hematology, UHC of Tirana. For the selection of the participants was used census for the period from 10.2.2014 to 15.6.2014. For data collection were used two subscales of the psychological wellbeing scale. Statistical analysis showed that the average of parents had somehow high scores in autonomy and slightly high scores in environmental mastery. None of the parents had low scores. Parents who lives in towns, those with higher educational level, fathers and parents whose children are in the last part of treatment have had high scores. Parents have the ability to manage complex environmental and be autonomous. These dimensions are contoured by type of treatment and the parental characteristics such as: gender, place of residence and educational level.


Psychological Well Being, Parental Coping, Parental Autonomy, Parental Environmental Mastery, Childhood Cancer


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