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AASCIT Journal of Physics  
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Vlasov's Equations in the Concept of the Scalar-Vector Potential
AASCIT Journal of Physics
Vol.1 , No. 4, Publication Date: Jul. 13, 2015, Page: 297-302
1517 Views Since July 13, 2015, 583 Downloads Since Jul. 13, 2015

F. F. Mende, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS Ukraine. Kharkov, Ukraine.


At present Vlasov's equations are the fundamental equations of the electrodynamics of the plasma, in which the electromagnetic fields are self-consistent with the fields of the charges, which present plasma. Into these equations enters the Lorentz force, which in the concept of scalar- vector potential can be expressed through the properties of the charged particles, which surround observation point. This approach, realized in this article, entirely realizes the idea of the long-range interaction of Coulomb pour on, which is the basis of Vlasov's equations.


Plasma, Vlasov's Equations, the Distribution Function, Lorentz Force, Scalar-Vector Potential


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