Vol.1 , No. 4, Publication Date: Jul. 13, 2015, Page: 297-302
[1] | F. F. Mende, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS Ukraine. Kharkov, Ukraine. |
At present Vlasov's equations are the fundamental equations of the electrodynamics of the plasma, in which the electromagnetic fields are self-consistent with the fields of the charges, which present plasma. Into these equations enters the Lorentz force, which in the concept of scalar- vector potential can be expressed through the properties of the charged particles, which surround observation point. This approach, realized in this article, entirely realizes the idea of the long-range interaction of Coulomb pour on, which is the basis of Vlasov's equations.
Plasma, Vlasov's Equations, the Distribution Function, Lorentz Force, Scalar-Vector Potential
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