ISSN Print: 2381-1358  ISSN Online: 2381-1366
AASCIT Journal of Physics  
Manuscript Information
Symmetrization and the Modification of the Equations of Induction and Material Equations of Maxwell
AASCIT Journal of Physics
Vol.1 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jun. 3, 2015, Page: 171-179
1724 Views Since June 3, 2015, 604 Downloads Since Jun. 3, 2015

F. F. Mende, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine.


The equation of induction and Maxwell's equations play very important role in the electrodynamics. However, is absent the complete system of equations, which is capable of solving entire spectrum of electrodynamic processes in the material media. In the article it is shown that Maxwell's equations can be represented in the symmetrical form, which solve stated problem. Is introduced the new concept of kinetic capacity, which describes the energy processes, connected with the precessional motion of the magnetic moments of atoms in the magnetized media. The concepts of the electrokinetic and magnetopotential waves, which describe wave processes in the nonmagnetic and magnetized material media, are introduced. It is shown that the equations of electrodynamics can be recorded in a plural manner with the use of different potentials and currents.


Maxwell's Equations, London Equation, Kinetic Inductance, Kinetic Capacity, Vector Potential, Electrokinetic Waves, Magneto Potential Waves


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