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AASCIT Journal of Education  
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The Teacher Mission into Online Class
AASCIT Journal of Education
Vol.2 , No. 1, Publication Date: Mar. 4, 2016, Page: 7-11
2542 Views Since March 4, 2016, 551 Downloads Since Mar. 4, 2016

Liana Stanculea, Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Economics, Bucharest, Romania.


In the context of modernizing, the traditional course changes its forms, becoming online course. The professor, holder of the course becomes "master of the course". Traditional classroom learning is expensive, the length of time is high and the results are different. Lessons on the Internet or on computer as well as more recent updates are goals easily attainable by the teacher. E-education does not mean computer use by student and teacher waiver. Conversely role of the teacher on e-learning platform is very high, he is the coordinator of all that is happening in virtual class. When the student is accessing an e-learning platform, the first thing he finds is the course in several forms among which the course written and the course presented by Professor which may be live or taped. There are the evaluation tests at the end of each course that will help the student to learn and to assess, in consultation with the professor. In the process of learning, assessment is very important, along with the course, contribute to the formation of the student by helping him to acquire the matter. The tests are made by the teacher during the course or at the end of each lesson and chapter form self-assessment tests, simulators, which are intended to induce the student to assimilate the matter and also to get used to electronic tests under the guidance of the teacher. Professor remain "master of the course", author of the course and the questions in the self-assessment tests and evaluation, author of all objects that are on a platform of e-learning related to his teaching.


E-learning, Virtual Class, the Course, E-Learning Platform, the Questions Bank, the Assessment Tests


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