Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jun. 1, 2018, Page: 52-58
[1] | Inga Lyashenko, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia. |
[2] | Arta Viluma-Gudmona, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia. |
According to the literature Juniper (Juníperus commúnis) as possible implant material has proved biocompatibility with the animal muscle tissue and morphology of its trunk is similar to the morphology of bone, namely the presence of cross-perforations in the juniper allows capillaries to grow through, so usual rejection of the implantable material does not occur. This study shows developed synthetic polypropylene fibers as biomimetics (repeating structure) of juniper fiber and investigation of its mechanical properties. Morphology of Juniper was studied by field emission scanning electron microscope; cross-perforation of fibers was carried out with a focused laser beam pulses with a diameter of 5-10 μm synchronously scanning the fiber in the longitudinal direction and perforating with a step 150-200 μm. The optimal operating mode was identified: the frequency, laser pulse duration, power of UV pulse and an optical system for tracking the position of the fiber was developed, taking into account the slack of textile fiber. After cross-perforation textile fibers was treated with juniper 5% water solution to provide antiseptic effect. In order to determine the ability of a material to perceive the load, which appears during the operation of the material in the human body, theoretical and experimental research of fiber behavior in the axial deformation was performed, which show that the strength of filaments weakened by cross-perforations is only 6-11% less than of fibers without perforations. Obtained polypropylene biomimetic material conventionally repeating the structure of the juniper probably will improve biomechanical properties and can be standardized for future widespread use in biomaterials.
Juniper, Fiber, Biomaterial, Biocompatibility
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