Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities  
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Impulsivity and Risk-Taking as Mediators of Transition to Injecting Drug Use
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Jun. 28, 2018, Page: 103-109
1011 Views Since June 28, 2018, 355 Downloads Since Jun. 28, 2018

Jennie Woodwards, Department of Psychology Department, University of Kingston, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK.


Adam Huxley, Department of Clinical Psychology, Change, Grow, Live, Hatfield, UK.


This study investigated impulsivity, risk-taking and drug use amongst injectors, non-injectors and controls. Results showed a significant difference between groups on measures of risk and impulsivity, supporting the notion of wider mediating factors that support the onset and maintenance of Injecting.


Injecting Drug Use, Impulsivity, Addiction


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