ISSN: 2375-3897
American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering  
Manuscript Information
Improved Seeker Optimization Algorithm-Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Solving Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem
American Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol.1 , No. 3, Publication Date: Sep. 11, 2014, Page: 34-42
1448 Views Since September 11, 2014, 804 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

K. Lenin, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 085, India.


B. Ravindhranath Reddy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 085, India.


This paper presents a seeker algorithm for solving the multi-objective reactive power dispatch problem. Swarm intelligence algorithms have been productively applied to hard optimization problems. Seeker optimization algorithm is one of the latest members of that class of metaheuristics and the primary type of this algorithm was less successful with multimodal functions. We propose hybridization of the seeker optimization algorithm with artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. At certain periods we modify seeker’s location by search principles from the ABC algorithm and also adjust the inter-subpopulation learning phase by using the binomial crossover operator. In order to evaluate the efficiency of proposed algorithm, it has been tested in standard IEEE 30 bus system and compared to other specified algorithms.


Modal Analysis, Optimal Reactive Power, Seeker Algorithm, Transmission Loss


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