ISSN: 2375-3773
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources  
Manuscript Information
Evaluation of the Irrigative Soils Ecological State in the Garabagh Plain from the Azerbaijan Republic
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Vol.2 , No. 3, Publication Date: Apr. 21, 2015, Page: 52-57
1650 Views Since April 21, 2015, 695 Downloads Since Apr. 21, 2015

Mahluga M. Yusifova, Faculty of Ecology and Soil Sciences, Baku State University, Azerbaijan.


Kamala G. Nuriyeva, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of ANAS, Azerbaijan.


The irrigative soils fertility is identified by a human productive activity to a considerable extent. In connection with the intensive use of these lands in agriculture, without a necessary attention to the soil fertility reproduction was revealed tendency for their productive ability reduction. The ecological condition of soils which are commonly contaminated with the different xenobiotics significantly changed. All the indicating occurrences are unlikely revealed in the different regions of the republic in connection with the variety of lytological-geomorphological, hydrochemical and other peculiarities from the natural situations. It requires definite differentiation of the economical activities, because this wholly considered soils regional characteristics and was directed to the rational use of their potential fertility. The research consequences in a direction of the ecological evaluation in the Garabagh plain irrigative soils were reflected in the presented article. Initially, a present soil-ecological condition of the investigative region was learnt, the bonitet scores of the Garabagh plain soils of the Azerbaijan Republic were defined. The main limiting factors were determined for the different agricultural plants being grown in the zone soils at the following period, the ecological value scales were used for it. At last the soil subtypes fit for agriculture were ecologically defined performing an ecological evaluation of the Garabagh plain soils.


Garabagh Plain, Ecological Evaluation, Irrigative Soils, Limiting Factors, Fertility, Special Appraisal Scales


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