Vol.2 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 31, 2015, Page: 6-13
[1] | Umar Paputungan, Faculty of Animal Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia. |
[2] | Luqman Hakim, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia. |
[3] | Gatot Ciptadi, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia. |
[4] | Hapry FN Lapian, Faculty of Animal Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia. |
Breeding value and heritability, the crucial factors of economical trait inheritance, had not been studied in Ongole-crossbred cows. The objectives of this research were to identify genotypic value, breeding value and dominance deviation of live weight and to define its heritability in Ongole-crossbred cows. Total of 37 blood samples and 2 blood samples were collected from parental cows and from parental Ongole breed bulls, respectively. All blood samples were screened for the presence of growth hormone (GH) locus using PCR-RFLP method involving restricted enzyme Msp1 on agarose-gel (1.2%). Data were analyzed using statistical program in Excel XP. Results showed that population mean of animal live weight were 445.41±45.95 kg. The highest selection response (∆µ) from parent generation to the progeny generation was using allele frequency (Msp1+) of 0.50 with increasing live weight per generation of 6.14 kg. The homozygous genotype of GH-Msp1+/+ was highly dominated by additive gene action (higher breeding value) for live weight rather than dominance gene action. However, the heterozygous genotype of GH-Msp1+/– was highly dominated by dominance gene action (higher dominance deviation) rather than additive gene action. The heritability of cow live weight in this study was 0.24, which were categorized as moderate heritability.
GH-Gene, Selection Response, Breeding Value, Heritability, Cow Weight
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