ISSN: 2375-3927
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications  
Manuscript Information
New Soliton Solutions for Some Important Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using a Generalized Bernoulli Method
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jul. 7, 2014, Page: 1-8
2216 Views Since July 7, 2014, 1344 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

A. Hussein , BasicSciences Dept., Higher Tech. Institute, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt; Eng. and Applied Sciences Dept., Community College, Um-Elqura Univ., K.S.A..


M. M. Selim , Theoretical Research Physics Group, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta City, Egypt.


A generalized Bernoulli method is used for constructing new exact soliton solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations in a unified way. The main idea of this method is to take full advantage of the Bernoulli equation which has a simple exponential solution. Five important models in mathematical physics named, the nonlinear dispersive equation, the nonlinear Fisher-type equation, ZK-BBM equation, the general Burgers-Fisher equation and Drinfeld–Sokolov system are investigated. We successfully get new soliton solutions for these problems and recover some solutions that had been found by other methods for the same problems.


Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation (NLPDE), Soliton Solutions, Bernoulli Method, Nonlinear Dispersive Equation, Nonlinear Fisher-Type Equation, ZK-BBM Equation, Drinfeld–Sokolov System, General Burgers-Fisher Equation


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