Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Dec. 23, 2016, Page: 8-15
[1] | Reda Farag, Department of Civil Engineering, Qassim University, Almulyda, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Housing and Building Research Center, Department of Structures and Metallic Construction, Giza, Arab Republic of Egypt. |
Because of its critical effect and significant destructive nature during and after the seismic events, the lateral ground spreading has seen an increasing interest in the geotechnical earthquake engineering. This paper introduces a quick method to predict pile-failure under lateral spread. The method integrates the limit equilibrium method (LEM) with the second order reliability method (SORM). In the procedure, the Finite element method (FEM), is used to build up a limit equilibrium, LE-based finite element model. This model is coupled with (SORM) via the response surface method (RSM). In the finite element model the soil is represented by 3D solid elastoplastic (Drucker-Prager failure criterion) while the pile is represented by elastic 3D beam element. The proposed method is validated using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS). Numerical examples are used for further illustration. Both operational and structural limit states are used. For the considered example, the soil pressure and the radius of pile are found to be the most sensitive variables.
Pile Foundation, Two Layer Soil System, Lateral Spread, Limit Equilibrium, Probability of Failure
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