ISSN: 2375-298X
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application  
Manuscript Information
Labour Productivity Trends Analyses in Baltic Countries to 2014
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application
Vol.1 , No. 3, Publication Date: Sep. 29, 2014, Page: 35-42
1503 Views Since September 29, 2014, 730 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

Toivo Tanning, Tallinn School of Economics, Tallinn, Estonia.


Lembo Tanning, TTK University of Applied Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia.


The objective of this article is to analyse the labour productivity, or and working efficiency of new European Union (EU) states, in Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), with emphasis on Estonia; and to compare them on the EU level. Labour market problems in Baltic countries have become more and more important. When the EU labour markets opened, some EU countries were forced to face the problem of partial workforce drain to richer countries with higher wages. In addition, on the one hand, Baltic countries have quite high unemployment rates, and on the other, many vacant jobs – there is a lack of qualified workforce. Low salaries, among other reasons, force many people to go to work in rich countries, where wages are several times higher. A number of proposals to increase labour productivity for both workers and entrepreneurs have been listed in the summary.


Baltic Countries, Europe, Working Efficiency,Labour Productivity Change, Suggestions


Productivity. OECD. 04.01.2013


Methodological Notes. The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). Statistics in focus - 8/2011: 11. Eurostat


Code: tsdec310. Labour productivity per hour worked. Euro per hour worked, index 2005 = 100, % change over previous year. Eurostat. 20.08.2014


Formulas of productivity measures. Statistics Estonia.


Methodology. Annual accounts. National accounts (including GDP). Eurostat


Real GDP growth rate – volume. Percentage change on previous year. Code: tec00115. 20.08.2014.


Real GDP per capita, growth rate and totals. EUR per inhabitant. Code: tsdec100. 20.08.2014.


GDP per capita in PPS - Index (EU-27 = 100) Code: tec00114. 20.08.2014.


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Gross domestic product at market prices. At current prices. Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant. Code: tec00001. Eurostat. 27.08.2014


Labour productivity per employed person. Code: tec00116. Eurostat. 27.08.2014


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Labour productivity per hour worked. Index (EU-27 = 100). Code: tec00117. 20.08.2014.


Enterprises productivity measures by economic activity at current prices. Code: FS0411. 20.08.2014.

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