Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: May 30, 2018, Page: 47-55
[1] | Muhammad Yasir, Government College of Commerce, Mansehra, Pakistan. |
[2] | Abdul Majid, Department of Management Sciences, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan. |
[3] | Abdur Rahman, Pearl Continental Hotel, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan. |
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of entrepreneurial networks in the development of new venture. The current study proposed that entrepreneurial networks mediate the association between entrepreneurial climate and new venture development. Furthermore, this study also made an attempt to analyze the moderating role of strategic flexibility on entrepreneurial networks and new venture. The study was conducted through self-administered survey of employees of SMEs in Pakistan. Correlation, Baron and Kenny approach (Causal steps approach) and PROCESS Macro (Normal Test Theory) developed by Hayes were used for the analysis of data. The findings suggested that entrepreneurial networks play the mediating role between entrepreneurial climate and new venture development. The findings also established the positive moderating role of strategic flexibility on the entrepreneurial networks and new venture development link.
Entrepreneurial Climate, Entrepreneurial Networks, Strategic Flexibility, New Venture Development
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