ISSN: 2375-298X
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application  
Manuscript Information
Employee Voice and Job Satisfaction in Deposit Money Banks in Rivers State
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application
Vol.5 , No. 3, Publication Date: May 16, 2018, Page: 42-46
2094 Views Since May 16, 2018, 1250 Downloads Since May 16, 2018

Esievo Frank Kewe, Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Collections of literature on employee voice and job satisfaction dwelt mainly on the relationship and influence of the dimensions of employee voice (involvement and participation) on job satisfaction. This paper is thus poised to ascertaining the link between behavioural indicators of employee voice and job satisfaction. Precisely, it was examined whether involvement and participation correlate with job satisfaction. Copies of the questionnaire were administered to 118 employees of deposit money banks in Rivers State. The data extracted from responses were interpreted via Spearman's Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. Results show that employee voice and its dimensions correlates positively with job satisfaction, concluding that employee voice processes within deposit money banks is specifically directed towards improving work group functioning and employee relationship and enhances their contentment on the job. Consequently, the paper recommends that management of deposit money banks in Rivers State should get the employees involved in the decision making that affect their jobs. Management of deposit money banks in Rivers State should makes policies that will aid employees in taking part in decisions as that will give them satisfaction on their job.


Employee Voice, Involvement, Participation and Job Satisfaction


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