Vol.4 , No. 4, Publication Date: Nov. 14, 2017, Page: 32-39
[1] | Bustonov Mansurjon Mardonakulovich, Department “Organizing the Economy and Manufacture in Industry Enterprises”, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan. |
The basic distinctions between the most known theoretical methods of investigating the content of category “economic growth” - by reproductive and functional- macroeconomic approaches were revealed; the intrinsic content of a category « quality of economic growth » as one of characteristics of the economic progress reflecting an effective combination of factors of manufacture was specified. The quality of economic growth is represented as totality and the relationship of the indicators of economic development, which ensure rational structure the GDP [Gross Domestic Product], the competitive ability of the end product, progressive shifts in the branch structure of the economy; the classification of the growth factors on the meaningful signs and the forms of economic impact was developed and the indices, which influence a qualitative growth in the economy of Uzbekistan were determined; multifactor regression models, on the forecasting paces of growth in the economy taking into account quality indicators were proposed. Consists in that key points and results of research, conclusions and offers can be used by administrative structures at the decision of the problems connected with growth of economy and in development of long-term forecasts and special-purpose programs directed on improvement of quality of economic growth.
Being Balanced, Economic Growth, The Quality of Economic Growth Investments, Quality Indicators of Economic Growth, Modernization
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