ISSN: 2375-298X
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application  
Manuscript Information
Labour Productivity Analyses of Gross Value Added and Turnover Per Person Employed of Transportation Companies of European Countries in 2005 – 2011
International Journal of Economic Theory and Application
Vol.1 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jul. 7, 2014, Page: 9-18
1577 Views Since July 7, 2014, 744 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

Toivo Tanning , Tallinn School of Economics, Tallinn, Estonia.


Lembo Tanning , TTK University of Applied Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia.


The purpose of this article is to analyse the labour productivity of transportation and storage companies of European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries in 2005 - 2011 by gross value added per person employed and employee and turnover per person employed. The objective is to analyse labour productivity of transportation and storage companies in the EU-15 and EFTA countries and continue with the new EU Member States from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE-8) and the Baltic States or new EU countries before and after the economic crisis, and to compare them on the EU level. We will look at how the economic crisis has affected the labour productivity of transportation companies and analyze the changes in the companies. What are the lessons learned from the economic crisis? The literature review shows in short the crisis theory. It is concerned with explaining the recession, depression and business cycle in economics. We will make a short view of the financial crisis. Based on this and previous publications, we will offer a number of generalized suggestions.


European Union, Transportation Companies, Labour Productivity, Economic Crisis


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