ISSN: 2375-3757
International Journal of Management Science  
Manuscript Information
Research on China’s Regional Innovation Efficiency and Influence Factors Based on SFA
International Journal of Management Science
Vol.2 , No. 2, Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2015, Page: 21-34
1838 Views Since April 28, 2015, 1239 Downloads Since Apr. 28, 2015

Gao Hua, School of Economic and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.


The paper applies SFA method to analyze regional two-stage innovation efficiency consisting of R&D and commercialization and its influence factors based on panel data in 30 provinces of China from 1998 to 2010. The result shows that: (1) The regional innovation efficiency is low, and commercialization efficiency is lower than R&D efficiency, but both are improving. The output elasticity of R&D personnel is higher than the R&D expenditure. (2) The commercialization efficiency and R&D efficiency in the Eastern region are higher than the Central and Western regions. The R&D efficiency in the Eastern and Central region is higher than the national average level, while R&D efficiency in the Western region is lower than the national average level. The commercialization efficiency in the Central region is less than the Western region, and both are lower than the national average level. (3) Laborer's quality and government subsidies have significantly positive correlation with R&D efficiency and commercialization. Market competition has significantly positive correlation with R&D efficiency, but has significantly negative correlation with commercialization. FDI and regional opening degree have significantly negative correlation with R&D efficiency, but have significantly positive correlation with commercialization. Industrial structure has significantly negative correlation with commercialization, and has negative correlation with R&D efficiency, but is not significant. Finally, some suggestions are provided.


Regional Innovation Efficiency, Influence Factors, SFA, Trans-Log Production Function


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