ISSN: 2375-2998
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science  
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Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Science
Vol.7 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2020, Page: 7-12
2845 Views Since February 20, 2020, 615 Downloads Since Feb. 20, 2020

NH Niloy, Department of Science, Ruhea College, National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


TN Towsif, Department of Science, Ruhea College, National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Information and communication technology for sustainable development takes a look at the relevance of information technology in Engineering with reference to the several form of information exchange between two or more computers through any of the several methods of interconnections. In modern global economy like Bangladesh, Information technology are intensively utilized for electronic transactional processing and in supporting various fields like banking, governance, engineering, health, education research fields and education in accomplishing their global and economic task across the nation. The emergence of the global information infrastructure presents extra opportunities challenges for the country. The use of mobile phone in the banking industry, its economic implications, and in general a systematic look into the various forms of mobile banking with emphasis on the security measures that makes the whole process safe for adoption will be outlined with reference to the technology being discussed. Information technology has greatly contributed to the development of a new type of entrepreneurship based on creativity, the ability to network, openness to virtual environments and intangible assets, high level of agility immediate responsiveness and the continues accumulation of new knowledge.


Information and Communication Technology, Banking Industry, Network, Development of Bangladesh


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