ISSN Print: 2381-1137  ISSN Online: 2381-1145
International Journal of Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing  
Manuscript Information
Automated Personal Clinic Services in Uganda – Software Requirement Specification
International Journal of Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Apr. 10, 2018, Page: 11-16
2150 Views Since April 10, 2018, 525 Downloads Since Apr. 10, 2018

Fagbolu Olutola Olaide, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing & Information Technology, Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda.


Nyadru Innocent, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing & Information Technology, Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda.


Software Requirement Specification for Personal Clinic Services enhance the availability and accessibility of traditional clinic, health care services are offer without limits or physical boundary, it is a web-based mobile Chatbot in google assistant that help patients to find closest clinics and hospitals in Uganda, offers medical prescription and other forms of medical assistances. It consists of three (3) parts which are Chatbot, Google home device and web portal. The google assistant guide was employed in the design using predefined procedures as Google application, Google app tool, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) which by default comes as handy tool with every android and it requires internet and Global Positioning System (GPS) connection. Few datasets were trained for machine learning using supervised learning category and other coding were done online. Personal Clinic prototype was simulated to provide basics of health care services to the prospective clients, doctors within the patient’s locality are contacted for further medical assistance whenever the need arises. Most of healthcare challenges would be solved and life expectancy would increase with greater capability to live healthier, longer and reduced the risk of patient harm.


Availability, Google Assistant, Chatbot, Android, GPS Connection, Datasets, Patient’s Locality, Life Expectancy


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