Vol.4 , No. 4, Publication Date: Nov. 16, 2017, Page: 31-37
[1] | Renuka Mohanraj, Department of Computer Science, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA. |
[2] | Steven Nolle, Department of Computer Science, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA. |
Secured Mobile Ad-hoc Network has drawn the attention of research community in the last 15 years. In the context of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), we are motivated by the design of routing to provide control mechanism that avoids routing congestion and data collision. Currently MANET communication is inherently Transmission Control Protocol (TCP-based) and relies on receives window and inflexible architectural design. This imposes significant challenges into adopting new secured MANET communication to minimize data collision and routing congestion. In this paper we propose a control mechanism Adaptive Router Congestion and Markovian Decision-based Collision Control (ARC-MDCC), to ensure secured communication in MANET. We first developed the proposed Adaptive Router Congestion Control (ARCC) model, considering a simplified network with data packet balancing using assessment control mechanism and thereby reducing the routing overhead. Second considering resultant congestion controlled path obtained through ARCC, a Markovian Decision-based Data Collision Control mechanism is applied along with fair data share rate, we adopted the designed algorithm to minimize data collision rate and therefore increase the packet delivery ratio. Analytical expressions are verified by performing series of simulation experiments. The proposed ARCC-MDCC outperforms similar secured MANET communication model found in the literature reducing the routing overhead and data collision rate by improving the packet delivery ratio in MANET.
MANET, TCP-Based, Receive Window, Router Congestion, Markovian Decision
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