ISSN: 2375-3781
International Journal of Modern Education Research  
Manuscript Information
The High School Students Understanding of Nanotechnology Concepts and Applications
International Journal of Modern Education Research
Vol.5 , No. 2, Publication Date: Aug. 3, 2018, Page: 32-47
432 Views Since August 3, 2018, 578 Downloads Since Aug. 3, 2018

Amanda Cristina Murgo, Institute of Physics of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.


Neucideia Aparecida Silva Colnago, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.


Yvonne Primerano Mascarenhas, Institute of Physics and Institute of Advanced Studies at Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.


The results here reported comprehend activities performed in the research net NanoBioMed (Brazilian agency CAPES, Brazil’s Ministry of Education). The objective was to acquire information regarding how the public understands the meaning of nanoscience and nanotechnology and the realization of it’s risks and benefits yielded from its applications. Questionnaires were applied on 86 high school students from São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil public schools with ages ranging from 15 to 18 years old. Pre and post-tests were applied to 55 students before and after watching a video about the subject, and to 31 students attending a talk where basic concepts were presented. The resulting quanti-qualitative analysis revealed that the students did not have a reasonable knowledge of the subject and that they have difficulty in relating the curricular contents to their technological applications. It became evident that extracurricular subjects, and in particular those related to nanoscience and nanotechnology, were not introduced to the students. Nevertheless, it is known that the majority of science teachers do not have their formal education updated regarding the contemporary developments of science and technology hampering, and, this way, the teaching and learning processes of these subjects. The answers to the post-test revealed that both groups presented an increase of their knowledge of nanoscience and nanotechnology but not so much of the advantages and risks of nanotechnologic products, regarding the possible false or exaggerated promises of the commercially advertised products.


High School Students, Nanotechnology Concepts and Understanding, Nanotechnology Risks and Advantages


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