Vol.4 , No. 4, Publication Date: Sep. 8, 2017, Page: 15-20
[1] | Eduardo Dopico, Department Education Sciences, University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. |
Teacher-training programs contributes to improve and update teaching knowledge. They help to contrast one's own educational practices with new didactic approaches and open perspectives that allow teachers to develop teaching dynamics in line with the challenges posed by digital students. It is not a difficult task: our daily experience teaches us that operating with a machine interconnected to a network expands the range of options for preparing and presenting learning contents. But if we reflect on the contents we teach, we´ll see that these do not move away too much from the analogical contents. Concerned to improve their teaching methods, 86 teachers from 31 different educational centers, took part in a sociocritical dynamic to discuss how they teach and to find out how their pupils learn nowadays. In the obtained conclusions the relationship between multimedia students and divergent thinking was established, as were its links to creativity. The need to acquire new educational competencies to develop active teaching-learning methodologies consistent with the profile of students and teachers in the network society also become evident.
Teaching, Divergent Thinking, Creativity, Learning Styles
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