ISSN: 2375-3781
International Journal of Modern Education Research  
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Collaboration of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers in Dyads for Wikipedia Article Authoring
International Journal of Modern Education Research
Vol.2 , No. 2, Publication Date: May 25, 2015, Page: 8-17
2300 Views Since May 25, 2015, 1197 Downloads Since May 25, 2015

Galini Rekalidou, Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece.


Konstantinos Karadimitriou, Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece.


Jim Prentzas, Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece.


Collaborative learning is essential in education. A prerequisite for pre-service teachers, among others, is their preparation to apply collaborative methodologies as in-service teachers. Collaborative content creation activities with Web-based wiki tools may assist in this task. In this paper, we discuss an approach involving collaboration of pre-service early childhood teachers in dyads while working on Wikipedia article authoring. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other such approach combining all these characteristics. The purpose of our approach is multifold. Main goals, among others, are to enhance students’ learning through participation in collaborative assignments, to study how collaboration works in dyads, to incorporate wiki environments in their curriculum, to acquaint them with Wikipedia article authoring, to teach them to support open educational resources as volunteers and to prepare them to become members of virtual collaborative communities. From an approach such as ours, benefits can be derived for students themselves, society and Wikipedia. The number of Wikipedia authors is decreasing the last years and also the portion of female authors remains quite small.


Collaboration of Learners in Dyads, Collaboration in Teacher Education, Wikipedia and Teacher Education, Wiki Environments and Teacher Education


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