ISSN: 2375-3870
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application  
Manuscript Information
Some Separate Problems of Microcosm: Neutrinos, Mesons, Neutrons and Nature of Nuclear Forces
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application
Vol.3 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 14, 2016, Page: 25-38
5796 Views Since March 15, 2016, 830 Downloads Since Mar. 15, 2016

Boris V. Vasiliev, Independent Scholar, Dubna, Moscow, Russia.


A new approach to the problem of nuclear force nature is considered. It is shown that an attraction in the proton-neutron pair can occur due to the exchange of relativistic electron. The estimation of this exchange energy is in agreement with the experimental values of the binding energy of some light nuclei. At that neutron is regarded as a composite corpuscle consisting of proton and relativistic electron that allows to predict neutron mass, its magnetic moment and energy of its decay. The first part of these calculations has been published in [1]. It is shown that the standard Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic field describes two possibilities. If to use different methods of excitation, it is possible to initiate in free space (in empty ether) two different types of wave: a transverse electromagnetic wave (photons) or a pure magnetic wave (a splash of magnetic field), devoid of electrical field component. The spin of this magnetic photon is equal to ħ / 2 and its characteristic feature is in its very weak interaction with matter. This property allows to assume that the magnetic photon can be identified with neutrinos. At that one can find the physical cause of the difference of neutrinos and antineutrinos, as well as a possible similarity between electron- and muon-neutrinos. Given the nature of neutrinos we can calculate masses of pions and muons and can conclude that they are excited states of electrons.


Neutron, Light Nuclei, Neutrino, Meson, Mass of Particle, Magnetic Moment, Binding Energy


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