ISSN: 2375-3870
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application  
Manuscript Information
Optimization of Working Parameters of Magneto-Resonant Tomograph
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application
Vol.2 , No. 5, Publication Date: Sep. 12, 2015, Page: 58-64
1212 Views Since September 12, 2015, 1008 Downloads Since Sep. 12, 2015

Andrey N. Volobuev, Department of Physics, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia.


Eugene S. Petrov, Deprartment of Operative Surgery, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia.


Sergey N. Chemidronov, Deprartment of Anatomy, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia.


The problem of increase in a signal providing process of internal organs visualization in the magneto-resonant tomograph is investigated on the basis of the some its parameters optimum choice. The principle of the tomograph work is analysed. On the basis of quantum-mechanical approach the interrelation between an angle of the magnetic moment precession of hydrogen nucleus in an organism, frequency of the variable magnetic field stimulating the precession and size of the used constant magnetic field is found. The given interrelation allows find the optimal parameters of the tomography work. The opportunity of calculation of the magnetic moment precession parameters on the basis of the classical approximation is shown.


Magneto-Resonant Tomograph, Hydrogen-Containing Tissues of Organism, the Magnetic Moment, Resonant Frequency, an Angle of Precession, a Proton, a Magnetic Field


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