ISSN: 2375-3870
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application  
Manuscript Information
Modern Physics Solution of the Saturn Rings Origin Problem – Electromagnetism and Superconductivity (The Possibility of the Unified Theory of the Planetary Rings Origin)
International Journal of Modern Physics and Application
Vol.2 , No. 5, Publication Date: Sep. 22, 2015, Page: 65-72
1296 Views Since September 22, 2015, 957 Downloads Since Sep. 22, 2015

V. V. Tchernyi, Modern Science Institute at SAIBR, Moscow, Russia.


A. Yu. Pospelov, Modern Science Institute at SAIBR, Moscow, Russia.


Low temperature near Saturn and presence of a planetary magnetic bring us an idea of the possible existence of the superconductivity of the particles forming rings system. Experimental study has confirmed this suggestion. Rings can be a result of the interaction of the superconducting carbon doped ice particles of the protoplanetary cloud with the nonuniform planetary magnetic field. After appearance of the magnetic field of planet all particles receive additional movement due to Meissner-Ochsenfeld phenomenon. Their Kepler’s chaotic orbits start to shift to the magnetic equator plane and create the system of rings and gaps like an iron particles nearby magnet on laboratory table. The particles itself do not stuck together because they separated by magnetic field which is getting out from each one of them. Also gravity resonances of planet, it satellites and rings particles as well as other interactions play an important role in formation of the final ring’s picture. The same scenario is applicable to the origin of the rings of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune located behind the asteroid belt.


Space Electromagnetism, Space Superconductivity, Saturn Rings Origin, Planetary Rings Origin


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