ISSN: 2375-379X
Health Sciences Research  
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Galactose and Coenzyme Q Treatment Ameliorated Two Cases of Anosmia
Health Sciences Research
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 18, 2018, Page: 10-13
1730 Views Since January 18, 2018, 518 Downloads Since Jan. 18, 2018

Isabella Panfoli, DIFAR-Biochemistry Lab., School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Genova, Genova, Italy.


Daniela Calzia, DIFAR-Biochemistry Lab., School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Genova, Genova, Italy.


Cesare Santi, Private Practice, Milano, Italy.


There is a high prevalence in the population, of olfactory dysfunction, a condition severely affecting quality of life. Here we present a sample of two patients presenting with anosmia with a duration of more than 12 months, for whom classical treatments were ineffective. The first patient was a 36 year-old male and the second a 52 year-old male. Both had a complete clinical assessment, psychophysical testing of olfactory function, and otorhinolaryngological examination including nasal endoscopy, which did not reveal any pathology. The first patient underwent brain computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging, while the other just CT scan, both inexpressive. The etiologic diagnose were idiopathic and secondary to acute rhinitis, respectively. Both patients had been treated with topical steroids and anti-histaminic drugs. Our treatment of this condition was dietary integration with galactose (1.5 g), reduced glutathione (0.1 g) and Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10, 0.1 g). For assessment of response to treatment, the Italian version of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test was used. After two months treatment the older patient completely recovered smell and was also able to appreciate some tastes. The younger patient, after one-month treatment experienced cacosmia, and some phantosmia, but after one more month treatment, such symptoms disappeared and he recovered partially normal smell and gustative function. In both cases, the recovery is stable, until now. Results suggest that the new acquisitions in terms of the myelin trophic function allow envisaging a novel neuroprotectant strategy, focused on sustaining its aerobic metabolism.


Anosmia, Galactose, Glutathione, Myelin, Neuroprotection, Olfaction


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