ISSN: 2375-379X
Health Sciences Research  
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High Blood Pressure (HBP) and Pregnancy: Mother and Fetus Morbidity and Mortality in Three Health Centers in Bamako
Health Sciences Research
Vol.2 , No. 4, Publication Date: Jul. 22, 2015, Page: 25-28
1517 Views Since July 22, 2015, 889 Downloads Since Jul. 22, 2015

Bâ Hamidou Oumar, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Menta Ichaka, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Sangaré Ibrahima, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Sidibé Noumou, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Millogo Georges Rosario Christian, Cardiology, University Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina, Faso.


Sogodogo Adama, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Traoré Aladji, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


Daou Adama, National Support Center for the Fight Against the Disease, Bamako, Mali.


Camara Youssouf, Cardiology, University Hospital Kati, Kati, Mali.


Diall Ilo Bella, Cardiology, University Hospital Point G, Bamako, Mali.


Coulibaly Souleymane, Cardiology, University Hospital Point G, Bamako, Mali.


Sidibé Samba, Cardiology, University Hospital Point G, Bamako, Mali.


Sanogo Kassoum Mamourou, Cardiology, University Hospital Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali.


1. Introduction: High blood pressure can occur before and during pregnancy and may lead to severe complications. We performed this study to highlight such a condition in studying the maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality of HBP in pregnant women in three health centers in Bamako. 2. Materials and Methods: 250 pregnant women with arterial hypertension and without any other cardiovascular disorder were included in a prospective study. The study was performed in University Hospital Gabriel Touré and 2 reference health centers (CSRef I and V) from January to December 2006 in Bamako. Data were collected and checked using Excel while analysis was performed using SPSS v.12. We first did descriptive study and then analytic study of maternal and fetal complications. Significant level of used tests was 0,05. 3. Results: The prevalence of arterial hypertension was 6,5%. 43, 91% of the pregnant women showed complications (eclampsia in 40,59% and hypertensive crisis in 37,62%). Hypertensive crisis and eclampsia were significantly present in women with less than 3 prenatal medical visits (resp. p < 0,0001 and 0,0005 ).Maternal and fetal complications occured significantly with raising pressure ( resp. P < 0,0001 and P < 0,0003 ). Prematurity, the most frequent complication, was significantly present with the raising of blood pressure p<0,0007) 4. Conclusion: HBP: in pregnancy requires a close follow up with a necessity to normalize blood pressure to avoid complications, which are related with the level of blood pressure, regardless of the type of high blood pressure. A minimal number of prenatal consultations is necessary for a reasonable follow up of the pregnant with high blood pressure.


Hypertension, Pregnant Woman, Complications, Eclampsia, Bamako


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