ISSN: 2375-379X
Health Sciences Research  
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Deaf People Accessibility in Health Services
Health Sciences Research
Vol.1 , No. 4, Publication Date: Oct. 24, 2014, Page: 102-106
2238 Views Since October 24, 2014, 685 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

Mitsi Dimitra, ntensive Care Unit. General Hospital “Elpis”, Athens Greece.


Armyra Christina, Konstantopouleion General Hospital of Nea Ionia and Patissia of Athens, Greece.


Fradelos Evangelos, 3rd Psychiatric Department, State Mental Hospital if Attica “Daphne.


People with disabilities have less access to health care services and therefore experience unmet health care needs. a percentage over the 5% of the global population (360 millions of people) are facing hearing problems or are deaf. In 2025 it is calculated that 900 millions of people internationally will be having hearing problems, out of which 90 millions will come from somewhere in Europe, while in 100 years, because of the ageing of the European population, it is calculated that 30% of them will be facing hearing problems. International studies have shown that people with hearing problems have poorer health, exhibit different health behaviors, use the health services in a different way comparing to the general population, are unsatisfied by their communication with the health professionals, are less satisfied by the health services they receive, do not receive sufficient messages related to the preventive healthcare and have a deficiency in knowledge of health matters comparing to the hearing people.


Health Access, Deaf People and Disabilities





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