ISSN: 2375-3765
American Journal of Chemistry and Application  
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Thermodynamic Effect of Bulk and Nano-CuSO4 Salts on Ceftazidime Antibiotic Using a Variety of Different Techniques
American Journal of Chemistry and Application
Vol.2 , No. 1, Publication Date: Mar. 3, 2015, Page: 1-11
1765 Views Since March 3, 2015, 1665 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

Elsayed M. Abouelleef, Basic Science Department, Delta Higher Institute for Engineering & Technology, Dakahlia, Mansoura, Egypt; Present: Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Arts, Northern Border University, Rafha, Saudi Arabia.


Esam A. Gomaa, hemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


Shereen E. Salem, hemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


Characterization of nano-CuSO4, ceftazidime antibiotic and their complexes was done by using a variety of different techniques, transmission electron microscopy, infra red and conductometric measurements. The association parameters of CuSO4 salts in absolute MeOH were calculated using conductivity method and found to be greater for nano-CuSO4 than bulk CuSO4 salt. The thermodynamic parameters of complexation between CuSO4 salts and ceftazidime were calculated. Nano-particles showed higher values than does bulk CuSO4, this is due to the very high surface to volume ratio of nano-particles which lead to greater ability for ion – pair formation. The formation constants and Gibbs free energies of different complexes follow the order: Kf (1:1) > Kf (1:2) for (M:L) and ∆Gf (1:1) > ∆Gf (1:2) for (M:L).


CuSO4, Ceftazidime, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Infra Red (IR), Fuoss-Shedlovsky, Association and Formation Constants and Thermodynamic Parameters


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