ISSN: 2375-3854
International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering  
Manuscript Information
Role of Sachet Water Waste on the Environmental Abuse a Case Study of Taraba State University Jalingo Campus
International Journal of Ecological Science and Environmental Engineering
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Sep. 29, 2014, Page: 22-26
1412 Views Since September 29, 2014, 2331 Downloads Since Apr. 14, 2015

Jerome Nyameh, Faculty of arts and social sciences, Department of Economics Taraba State University, PMB 6117 Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria.


Abdullahi Ibrahim, Faculty of arts and social sciences, Department of Geography Taraba State University, PMB 6117 Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria.


Fredrick Umaru Fidelis, Faculty of sciences, Department of Biological Sciences Taraba State University, PMB 6117 Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria.


Over the years environment has been considered to be a determinant factor for development in any given society yet it is associated with diverse challenges ranging from abuse, misuse, underutilization and overutilization. Hence for a society to achieve development, environment must be considered within a balance (proper utilization). One of the common abuses is the deposition of waste products which directly affect the functionality of the environment towards development. It is on this note that this paper is designed o develop a theoretical model which examine the sachet water waste and its impacts on the environment using Taraba State University as a case study for the research in order to achieve research objective two hypotheses were formulated Hi: There is significant relationship between the sachet water waste and the environmental challenges in Taraba State University Campus. H0: There is no significant relationship between the sachet water waste and the environmental challenges in Taraba State University Campus. The study employed quantitative methods to obtain data through a self-administered questionnaire survey. A sample size of 40 respondents was taken to answer the survey questionnaire of seven item questions using Likert scale where the data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 16 to determine the co relationship between the sachet water waste and the environmental challenges in Taraba State University campus and a correlation analysis was conducted tested the hypotheses.


Sachet Water Waste, Environmental Abuse, Taraba State University Campus and Jalingo Taraba State


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