ISSN: 2375-3811
International Journal of Biological Sciences and Applications  
Manuscript Information
A Study of Facilitated Oxygen Diffusion in Humans in ALBAHA (KSA)
International Journal of Biological Sciences and Applications
Vol.3 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 3, 2016, Page: 29-37
2517 Views Since March 3, 2016, 1062 Downloads Since Mar. 3, 2016

A. H. Ansari, Department of Mathematics, Albaha University, Albaha, KSA.


The paper analyses the facilitated oxygen diffusion in skeletal muscle fibre in steady and extinction states at province AlBAHA of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The oxygen being continuously consumed by human body, diffuses in muscle fibre as well as binds with the myoglobin to produce oxy-myoglobin. With the increase of high altitude, oxygen concentration decreases exponentially and consequently, it results oxygen debt causing various illnesses. The altitude of ALBAHA varies from 1600 to 2500 meters above sea level. In case of insufficient oxygen supply at high altitude, oxy-myoglobin releases oxygen to meet the requirement in the human body to some extent. Subsequently, the point of zero oxygen concentration (anoxia) recedes towards the exterior surface of the human body (a worsen situation). The movement of point of anoxia depends upon the rate of absorption of oxygen by the human body and height from the sea level. An appropriate numerical method has been used to find the oxygen concentration at any time at any point in the human body as a function of rate of oxygen consumption and the facilitated diffusion parameter at different altitude at ALBAHA. The obtained results are compared with the results available in literature, which are in close agreement.


Facilitated, Oxygen Diffusion, Humans, Altitude, ALBAHA



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