ISSN: 2375-3846
American Journal of Science and Technology  
Manuscript Information
The Shortfalls of the Vacuum Valve Cotton Separator
American Journal of Science and Technology
Vol.5 , No. 4, Publication Date: Oct. 19, 2018, Page: 49-55
2241 Views Since October 19, 2018, 534 Downloads Since Oct. 19, 2018

Salokhiddinova Makhliyo Nurmukhammad qizi, Department of Technology of the Initial Processing of Natural Fibers (Cotton), Namangan of Engineering and Technology Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan.


Muradov Rustam Muradovich, Department of Technology of the Initial Processing of Natural Fibers (Cotton), Namangan of Engineering and Technology Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan.


Karimov Abdusamat Ismonovich, Department of Technology of the Initial Processing of Natural Fibers (Cotton), Namangan of Engineering and Technology Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan.


Mardonov Botir Mardanovich, Department of Technology of the Initial Processing of Natural Fibers, Tashkent institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Working principles of the separators used in cotton processing enterprises have been studied in the article. The parameters of the separator which negatively impact on the quality indicators of cotton have been analyzed. On the basis of studied parameters, a new construction of the separator was suggested which has inclined mesh surface and separates the air from cotton. The movements of raw cotton in an inclined surface are considered. The differential equation of motion is compiled and the necessary results obtained.


Cotton Separator, Pneumatic Transport, Vacuum Valve, Mesh Surface, Scrubber, Working Camera, Cotton


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