Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 24, 2016, Page: 25-42
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An efficient mobility is a key issue for the policy makers. Allowing free movement of people and goods is essential for the economic prosperity and sustainable living. Cars, trains, boats, airplanes and space rockets are the means that let differences around the World become wealth. All these systems are recognized as dynamic ones and more are the degrees of freedom, stronger is their tendency to be variable and unpredictable. To rule the operations through these intricate environments and to cope with a continuous efficient problem solving, a reliable arrangement is needed. Safety is the lubricating fluid that gives this complex machine of transportation the chance to work and evolve. The aim of this paper is to analyze the connection between aviation safety and automation philosophy, focusing on human-machine interaction, particularly after the introduction of new airplane building concepts. Automation gave its contribution to enhance safety, but ultimately reveals some threats that must be thoroughly investigated and mitigated to avoid decay in the safety levels.
Automation, Human Factor, Human-Machine Interface, Resilience Engineering, Safety, Dynamic Systems, Future Scenarios
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