ISSN: 2375-3846
American Journal of Science and Technology  
Manuscript Information
Geotechnical Characterization in Metropolitan Area of Great Resistencia: Types of Soils
American Journal of Science and Technology
Vol.2 , No. 5, Publication Date: Aug. 5, 2015, Page: 232-236
1738 Views Since August 5, 2015, 781 Downloads Since Aug. 5, 2015

Dante René Bosch, Applied Geoscience Centre, Faculty of Engineering, National North-East University (UNNE), Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.


Rubén Rafael Sotelo, Applied Geoscience Centre, Faculty of Engineering, National North-East University (UNNE), Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina.


Geotechnical and geomorphological precedents on the field of study show that there would be an important correlation between geomechanical profiles of subsurface and its genesis. In order to verify the existence of its correlation, in 2006 a research project named “Geotechnical characterization in the metropolitan area of Great Resistencia- Chaco” was initiated, where this work is framed into. The general aim of the work is to analyze geomechanical properties of underground soils layers into the area of Great Resistencia (Chaco), trying to identify typical strata and determine if really exists a relationship with their genesis. For this, forty-two Standard Penetration Test (SPT) were selected and analyzed placed at different points of the study area. Due to soils in the zone of study are sedimentary origin, in a first stage a study was made on grain sized properties of them and thereafter the soil type was analyzed taking into consideration its classification. As conclusion of the work can say that the grain sized characteristics and the types of studied soils are related strongly to the depth to which they are, being able to delimit characteristic layers. Although zones of area of study with little density of soundings exist, the analyzed results show a clear tendency between the soils types and the depth in which they are.


Stratigraphy, Resistencia City, Geotechnical, Soils, SPT


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