ISSN: 2375-3846
American Journal of Science and Technology  
Manuscript Information
Characterization and Modeling of the Residual Deformations in the Polyethylene Pipes with a High Density of Gas Transport
American Journal of Science and Technology
Vol.2 , No. 2, Publication Date: Jan. 27, 2015, Page: 33-37
1878 Views Since January 27, 2015, 1101 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

Souhila Rehab Bekkouche, Civil Engineering Department, August 20, 1955 University, Skikda 21000, Algeria.


Toufik Lachouri, August 20, 1955 University, Skikda 21000, Algeria.


Kamel Chaoui, Mechanics of Materials and Plant Maintenance Research Laboratory (LR3MI), Mechanical Engineering Department, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba 23000, Algeria.


In this paper, we present an experimental approach on the study of the evolution of residual deformations through the wall of polyethylene pipes- HDPE 80 on the mechanical behavior on one hand, and on the other hand, on the effect of chemical agents present in the soil and which can enter into interaction with the embedded tubes. The results indicate that the polyethylene is highly influenced by the presence of acids and solvents that degrade it. The modeling of constraints and residual deformations obeys to very different equations in comparison with those governing the solute shaping.


Mechanical, Deformations, Residual, Environment, HDPE


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