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International Journal of Geophysics and Geochemistry  
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Gravity and Magnetic Modeling Sergipano Belt, Brazil: Tectonic Control and Crustal Thickness of the Basement Adjacent to the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin
International Journal of Geophysics and Geochemistry
Vol.5 , No. 2, Publication Date: Jul. 8, 2019, Page: 58-71
1841 Views Since July 8, 2019, 907 Downloads Since Jul. 8, 2019

Alanna Costa Dutra, Department of Earth Physics and Environment, Physics Institute, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.


Alexandre Barreto Costa, Department of Earth Physics and Environment, Physics Institute, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.


Roberto Max de Argollo, Department of Earth Physics and Environment, Physics Institute, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.


This work used gravimetric and magnetic data to investigate the Sergipano Belt that occupies the Southern Borborema Province, Brazil. The main objective was to interpret tectonic relationships between the geological domains, crustal lateral variation of the physical properties and the behavior of the Moho relief. The gravity and magnetic inversion was performed to determine the physical properties magnetic susceptibility and density contrast to delineate the geometry of the true source. The regional gravity anomaly was used to obtain solutions depth of the interface crust-mantle in which it was necessary to know the initial model of the crustal thickness and density contrast. The geophysical measures was used to delineate the initially crustal thickness and compared to the results based on a compilation of data published in the literature mainly derived from seismic database such as deep seismic refraction experiments. These magnetic sources have signals with different amplitudes that originate from different geometric sources, situated at different depths and with different magnetic properties. As to the crustal thickness results, we found that the southern region of the Sergipano Belt has a crustal (34-35 km) and mantle uplift, mainly in the Girau do Ponciano Dome. The Rio Coruripe domain as well as the PEAL Terrain has a thicker crust (38-40 km), with magnetic and gravimetric sources that reach from 15 to 20 km deep marked in sections.


Gravity and Magnetic Modeling, Edge Detection, Tectonic Control, Sedimentary Basin


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