ISSN Print: 2472-971X  ISSN Online: 2472-9728
American Journal of Environmental Policy and Management  
Manuscript Information
Evaluation of Legal Solutions to Pollution of the Environment Caused by Oil Extraction Activities in Kuwait
American Journal of Environmental Policy and Management
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 10, 2020, Page: 1-6
770 Views Since January 10, 2020, 348 Downloads Since Jan. 10, 2020

Abdelmonem Ali Naeem, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law, Kuwait University, Kuwait City (Main campus), Kuwait.


Thamer Khalifa Al-Hemeda, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law, Kuwait University, Kuwait City (Main campus), Kuwait.


Mohamed Ibrahem Al-Homoud, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law, Kuwait University, Kuwait City (Main campus), Kuwait.


Over the years, there have been growing concerns about the environmental influences of oil extraction. The environmental effects of oil extraction are mainly harmful to human health because of the toxicity of the oil extraction that contributes to air pollution, acid rain, and various human diseases. Causing serious harm to the health of living organisms, especially human beings, which requires the payment of appropriate compensation for those affected by these harmful environmental effects. This is stated in the Environmental Law of the State of Kuwait No. 42 of 2014. Thus, this paper concern of legal solutions that could help decrease the problems associated with oil pollution were evaluated. More than 500 international treaties and 323 regional treaties aimed at protecting the environment from pollution caused by oil extraction and transport activities have been signed by Kuwait. A direct relationship has been found between the use of oil and its derivatives and oil pollution despite many regional and international agreements about protecting the environment from oil pollution having been signed. These agreements do not effectively promote the development of protocols to prevent environmental problems caused by oil extraction and transport activities because of the requirement of each state to maintain absolute sovereignty over its territory.


Environmental Pollution, International Treaties, Legal Solution, Oil Extraction


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