ISSN Print: 2472-971X  ISSN Online: 2472-9728
American Journal of Environmental Policy and Management  
Manuscript Information
An Approach to the Design of Urban Simple Housing with Low CO2 Emissions Following Natural Disasters
American Journal of Environmental Policy and Management
Vol.1 , No. 4, Publication Date: Oct. 16, 2015, Page: 78-85
1089 Views Since October 16, 2015, 954 Downloads Since Oct. 16, 2015

Nelson Siahaan, Department of Architecture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.


In the last decade, many urban areas in Indonesia suffered from several large natural disasters. The magnitude of the disasters has destroyed many urban housing in a wide systemic scale. The implementation of recovery development presents an opportunity to achieve sustainable outcomes in terms of environmental, social, and economic impact long after the disaster. However, it also incorporates generation of CO2 emissions. There is a residential supporting environment system that influences generation of CO2 emissions. The various components of the system interact with each other to affect CO2 emissions into the air such as; the householder, houses, building material, parcels of land, building coverage, building layout, distance between buildings, density of buildings, and housing utilities. Qualitative research was implemented at Perumnas Griya Martubung I Housing, in Medan, in order to understand the interaction of these components, and to identify factors that influence the emission of CO2 in the residential area. This paper discusses about upgrading urban housing by creating low CO2 emissions residential in the urban area, an issue that has not yet been fully adopted particularly in the implementation of simple housing in Indonesia. This study raises issues that are not fully adopted by the general recovery development, particularly ideas on how to reduce emission of carbon dioxide produce from urban housing redevelopment initiatives. This study consists of four parts. The first part reviews about the interaction of natural disasters and residential development and presents an approach for a more holistic insight of residential impact of disaster. The second, it discusses CO2 emissions and the various components of the residential supporting environment system which play a direct or indirect part in producing CO2 emission in urban housing. The third, it presents a conceptual framework for creating low CO2 emissions urban housing. Finally, this study is to offer how CO2 emissions in simple urban housing can be reduced by controlling the components of residential supporting environment system.


Simple Housing, Natural Disaster, Emission of CO2, Recovery, Environment System, Redevelopment


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